Quick question for all of y'all? Does anyone like any of the new M.I.A tunes apart from Born Free? I heard another one today with loads of autotune and powertools and I thought, shit, what a load of absolute bollocks! Really like, pure and utter shite!
Onward now however to music that's actually good:
I am getting more and more into Australian producer Pogo, who samples well known movies and makes crackingly catchy chilled out-yet banging tunes like this:
p.s, if anyone knows a way to contain Toy Story III related excitement let me know, it's getting silly at this stage
Land Of Bingo are a new one for me, they've an E.P coming out in October, and according to their myspace are from Wales, Berlin and Stockholm. Great places by all accounts
Land Of Bingo - Company Hymn Alt
Sean Carey plays with Bon Iver. That's about as much as I know about him. But go to his myspace and read his account of being in one of the towers on 9/11. Then listen to a few of his songs. Piano based, beautiful, beautiful music.
Sean Carey - In The Dirt Alt
The Roots new album, or as much as I've been able to get my hands on is magic. Though never a John Legend fan, bit slick for my liking, is the perfect level of smooth to counteract the gritty Roots flow. I can see this being one of my albums of the year. How I Got Over is out Tuesday.
The Roots - The Fire ft. John Legend Alt
That Toyz Noize is brilliant - brightened up my day big time.