You wouldn't believe how slow I am at figuring out "the internets". I know you can make fancy images and links and whatnot appear but it's been lost on me. Again, thank you to Leon Butler, aka Red 2 who made the page look pretty. So until I figure out how to do this in a fancy way, here are two links that are bringing popgoestheradio kicking and screaming into a world of multiple ways to listen to music and connect with the outside world. Yesterday I set up a facebook page. And today I set up a youtube channel. I'll use the youtube for posting playlists of tracks from albums I talk about. Here are all the songs to stream from the new Arcade Fire album.
(I bought a second copy this morning, for my girlfriend. I don't think I should have it though, it's not released til Monday. Hope no one in my local shop gets in trouble but eh, ya, poster says out Monday, hmmm)
it's ok, albums get released on Fridays in Ireland, that's how it's always been.