I've been waiting a long time for this E.P. From way back, well over a year ago, when a few friends and I went along to support two friends at an open mic night in the basement of a pub on a Tuesday night. After suffering through drunken poets, terrible covers and piss poor comedians two Donegal boys nervously took the stage with their guitars. The harmonies did it for me. It was early days but we never doubted them. I hounded them to record and I never got to play them on the radio. But I understand why it took so long. They were waiting to record this E.P. And I'm glad they waited. It's spot on.
Decoded is a superb intro. It's subtle and mesmerising, yet there's so much going on. It picks up slowly, with tasteful guitar lines and urgent vocals. A range of tastes influence the songs, from straightforward indie tunes to trippy chilled out sounds that build up to atmospheric rock crescendos and right back again like with El Troubador. Go! New York! Glow! is fun V'Weekend-esque guitars, tinkly pianos and a wall of sound at the end.
The production is fantastic, a great job done by label mate, Lost Chord's David Phelan twiddling the knobs. It's clear, interesting and every musical possibility is explored. The drums are deadened and frantic, the build ups sublime and dammit this band can make a damn fine indie rock song. I wouldn't hesitate to send them straight out on the road with any good rock band at the moment. The only regret at the end of Jake The Dog is that there isn't more. Support this band. Go see their shows. Buy their E.P. Make sure they make more music. Ah fuck it, there's no way they won't. As I said, spot on.
Go Panda Go E.P is out now on Bluestack Records and available on iTunes.
Go Panda Go - Decoded Alt
Go Panda Go - Jake The Dog Alt
Here's their tour:
Cleere's Bar, Kilkenny November 19th
Crane Lane, Cork November 20th
Roisin Dubh, Galway November 25th
Academy 2, Dublin December 2nd
Auntie Annies, Belfast January 20th
Find out more on their website
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