Thursday, April 29, 2010

TDOM: A song that reminds you of someone

A song that reminds you of someone.

Here I go with the auld sentimentality. My friend Donal moved to St. Andrews in Scotland to study Philosophy cos he's mad smart. We used to hang out all the time, eat bagels with bacon and cream cheese, go drinking by the arch and go dancing in the Roisin. Jeese, I might be embarrassing the shit out of the poor guy.

Anyway, once I dropped out of college we both went on a three week bender, we both got a hangover and I got a girlfriend. It was a lot of fun.

Donal used to go up to the DJ demanding Rage Against The Machine and Radiohead, usually he'd be told to fuck off. One night he asked for The Funeral by Band Of Horses. The DJ played it. The dancefloor cleared and the two of us and our friend Yvonne danced away with epicly drunken movement and determined faces.

It's all ok, he'll be back soon, huzzah!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TDOM: Day 4 - A Song That Makes You Sad

Fucking hell this is so sad. Regret is a bastard. From Tom Waits first album Closing Time (1973)

Tom Waits - Martha Alt

Dunno why it makes me sad really. I'm 21, I haven't had any massive regrets yet. It just gets me down, feel for the guy like!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TDOM: Day 3 - A Song That Makes You Happy

30 Days Of Music. Day 3. A song that makes you happy.

Here's a song that makes me happy, thanks to whatever radio DJ played this on the radio years ago. Probably Tony Fenton. Thanks Tony.

They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul Alt

Ah it's great!

N-E-W (Holy Fuck, The Fall, Devo)

I'll be getting to Day Three of 30 Days Of Music later, but right now I have some new shit to throw down. I know very little of Post-Punk music. A lot of what I've heard I like. I've started reading Rip It Up And Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984. It's really good, getting through the well know bands like Joy Division, PiL and Talking Heads, as well as some really obscure and pretty much forgotten bands and scenes. More music for me. All good. My reason for bringing this up? New album from The Fall (John Peel's favourite band) and new single from Devo. So where to start?

Well before we go there, gonna post tune from the cracking new Holy Fuck album. A really fucking awesome band, with a new album, Latin, out May 11th. I posted about them last week so I won't go overboard but shit me, this frantic beast of a song is just what I needed to wake me up. Coffee helped too but Holy Fuck, good alarm clock!

Holy Fuck - Stilettos Alt

Now to the old lads. The Fall are one of these bands that are critically acclaimed, well referenced, with a bizillion albums. But I know shit all about them. It's funny getting a first impression from a band when they should be well past their prime, but funnily enough, this album is pretty fricking good! They've been on my to listen to list for a while, given that John Peel, a bit of a hero of mine, record 24 sessions with them and as I mentioned above called them his favourite band, I really should get on that. Well the new album is called Your Future Our Clutter. It's dark at times, often poppy and head bopping, with some great garage-y guitar tones and drawn out shouty vocals. It's all good and well worth a listen.

The Fall - O.F.Y.C Showcase Alt

Devo. Same story with The Fall. Heard their new stuff, love it, but have no frame of reference as I'm not familiar with them, despite hearing loads about them. Too much music and not enough hours in the day I guess. Come back to me in a few years, I'll know all the bands that ever made music ever so I will. Anyway, Devo, another classic and loved post-punk band. But while The Fall (Or Mark E. Smith at least) kept going, Devo's last album came out in 1990. Since then they've done some soundtrack work here and there with the odd release. Mark Mothersbaugh has certainly been a busy bunny, scoring music for games like Crash Bandicoot and The Sims, soundtracks for films like Drop Dead Gorgeous (love that movie), The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou and Happy Gilmore and appearing on hilarious kids TV show Yo Gabba Gabba!! teaching a new drawing every week. Well this is the second single from their upcoming (June 15th) release, Something For Everybody. I think it's the business!

Devo - What We Do Alt

Monday, April 26, 2010

TDOM: Day 2

Day 2 of 30 Days Of Music:

Your least favourite song.

I recently finished two years of working in a commercial top 30 radio station. "Super Hot" songs were played every 90 minutes. This was probably the worst of the worst. Tacky production, super emotive vocals over the stupidest lyrics I've ever heard.

I like Beyonce, just think it's a shit song. Of course there are worse songs. Dance versions of Irish trad songs. Rebel songs. Redneck country music. Buskers playing Wish You Were Here. The sweaty student jump around to Killing In The Name every Wednesday. The Eagles. Knacker trance, hardcore dance. I could go on, but for the magnitude of popularity this song has it takes the being my least favourite song. I think. Ask me again next week and I'll be crabbing about something else.

Actually no, it'll probably still be grinding my gears. Lady Gaga, what a douche.

Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone

M.I.A, Born Free video

Video for M.I.A's new single Born Free. Jesus H. It's graphic. Best not to watch this at work or around anyone who may be squeamish. It's interesting.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Also, she has announced details on her new album... but how? By flying an effing blimp over Coachella during Jay Z's set. Good woman. New album will be out June 29th.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

TDOM: Day 1 - My Favourite Song

Day 1.

My favourite song.

Fucking hell. My favourite song? Out of the hundreds of thousands of songs I've ever loved? Out of every good memory associated with all of the music I've consumed, danced to, felt a connection with for whatever reason?

I suppose this song. I don't know why though.

Maybe it's cos it sounds nothing like what I'd usually listen to, so I don't associate it with anything else. It just sits on it's own. Or maybe it's a deep seeded nationalism. Maybe I associate with going on the piss. Maybe this indie shite isn't for me. Should I up on out of here, pop on me tweed cap and jig on down to Tigh Coili for a scatter of pints of stout and a good oul ceili in the corner. Dunno. Funnily enough I was sitting outside Tigh Coili (Galway trad pub) one afternoon and I heard this almighty sound: kkkkkkkkksssssssssssssrrrrrrrrssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh ...the sound of a drunk laughing through few remaining teeth. And sure wasn't it only himself Shane McGowan out for a few scoops. Wow I'm rambling. For the moment this is my favourite song. For no other reason that I can fathom other than it makes me happy every time I hear it.

The Pogues - If I Should Fall From Grace With God Alt

I had the fortune of seeing The Pogues just before Christmas. It's funny that Bob Dylan, who's healthy and sober can use being old as an excuse for shitty performances but McGowan who's been permanently drunk since he was 11 still performs 2 and a half hour shows, two encores and his voice still solid. His crowd banter is still completely incomprehensible but at least he talks to the crowd. Kkkkkkkkrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thirty Days Of Music

First came across this on those geese were stupified and decided to give it a go. Probably a poor idea. I have the attention span of a ...

...sorry, was chasing a fly around the room. Oh yes, gonna give this a lash.

day 01 – your favorite song
day 02 – your least favorite song
day 03 – a song that makes you happy
day 04 – a song that makes you sad
day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone
day 06 – a song that reminds of you of somewhere
day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event
day 08 – a song that you know all the words to
day 09 – a song that you can dance to
day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 – a song from your favorite band
day 12 – a song from a band you hate
day 13 – a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 – a song that describes you
day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 – a song from your favorite album
day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 – a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 – a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 – a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 – a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 – a song that makes you laugh
day 26 – a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 – a song that you wish you could play
day 28 – a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 – a song from your childhood
day 30 – your favorite song at this time last year

iTest, April 25th

I was really happy with this evening's show. The level of good new music about at the moment is wonderful. So thanks to all of the artists featured, and to the thousands more people making great music that I haven't gotten a chance to hear yet, yer all stars! Also, for the first time in two years my head is clear of mass produced nonsense. Not working in commercial radio has been good for my soul. I do miss the money though. Oh well.

Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (Oh God Remix)
Gogol Bordello - My Companjera
Surfer Blood - Catholic Pagans
Crystal Castles - Vietnam
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Fright Night (Nevermore)
Titus Andronicus - Theme From Cheers
Mos Dub - History Town
Stornoway - I Saw You Blink
Holy Fuck - Stilettos
Nouveaunoise - Goni
The Tallest Man On Earth - Burden Of Tomorrow
Foals - Blue Blood
Band Of Horses - Northwest Apartment
Avi Buffalo - Summer Cum Alt
The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio
Crystal Castles - Doe Deer
Stars - Fixed
So Cow - Limboat Alt
Blonde Redhead - Not Getting There
Teenage Fanclub - Baby Lee
Gogol Bordello - Immigraniada (We Comin' Rougher)
Archie Bronson Outfit - Shark's Tooth
Horse Feathers - Thistled Spring
Broken Social Scene - Chase Scene Alt
Jaill - Everyone's Hip
Blitzen Trapper - Heaven And Earth
Josh Ritter - Rattling Locks
The Divine Comedy - At The Indie Disco
The National - Afraid Of Everyone
Bodega Girls - Prime Time Sex Crime
Crystal Castles - Baptism
Harlem - Gay Human Bones
Roky Erickson w/ Okkervil River - Goodbye Sweet Dreams
Gogol Bordello - Rebellious Love
Fab Semperi - In The River
M.I.A - Born Free
Thee Oh Sees - I Was Denied
Devo - What We Do
Damian Marley & Nas - The Promised Land
Male Bonding - Years Not Long
Au Revoir Simone - Only You Can Make You Happy (Punches Remix)
Caribou - Hannibal
Blur - Fool's Day
Mos Dub - Summertime Running
Cathy Davey - Little Red
Nouveaunoise - Cinnte
Josh Ritter - Lark
The National - Lemonworld
Gogol Bordello - Break The Spell
Born Ruffians - What To Say
Holy Fuck - Red Lights
The Redneck Manifesto - Smile More
Scissor Sisters - Invisible Light

Saturday, April 24, 2010

State Intervention no. 2 w/ Scroobius Pip

You in Dublin? State will be holding their second Intervention this evening. The idea is: band in interesting venue, announced on the day, designed to create buzz, all filmed and added to State's website. I posted the video from the first one earlier in the week which featured Belfast heroes And So I Watch You From Afar. This evening will see poet and rapper Scroobius Pip performing a spoken word set at Exchange, Dublin at 6.30, it's free! The guy is well talented, I'd just love to know what they (Pip with Dan Le Sac) were thinking recording that turkey of a second album. Too good to write off just yet though.

Jogging, full debut album stream

Jogging are a Dublin band, their debut album Minutes is out May 2nd on Richter Collective (but of course!). It's loud and in your face, but also pleasant and interesting. Have a listen to the full album on bandcamp. They're gonna be in the Roisin Dubh, Galway on June 17th for free! Can imagine it'll be a whopper!

<a href="">Threadbare by Jogging</a>

Friday, April 23, 2010


New stuff, and before I start, apologies for the poor quality of M.I.A and Gogol's tunes, sometimes it's a battle between "the quality is shit" and "the tune is too effing good not to post". They're 128 kbps, I'll repost them once I have better quality versions, and of course it shouldn't matter cos you'll get an idea whether you like it or not anyway and buy it once it comes out if you do, right? Right!

New M.I.A. It's messy. Granted, the quality is shit, but I'm pretty excited! I did like her first two albums but after a while there's only so much glitchy kinda craic I can handle. This is a straight up rocking anthem! I love it, although I'm only on my third listen, but ya, reckon it's a keeper!

M.I.A - Born FreeAlt

What makes a mixtape work? I loved the Terry Urban & Gold Coin Santigold Vs. Southern Rap mixtape last year, but the xx vs. Biggie one a few weeks back? Hated it! And it's annoying, I can't put my finger on what I like or don't about any of them, I just do ...or don't.
Anyway, Mos Dub by Max Tannone, the vocals of Mos Def over some classic dub reggae tunes is one of my favourite albums I've heard this year! I don't care if you can call it an album or not or whatever, but I chilled out at home last night, put it on and just chilled on out. It was lovely! And I'd never heard most of the reggae samples before, and though I like what I've heard from Mos Def I wasn't familiar with many of the rhymes used. But it comes together nicely. A tasty old mixtape indeed. You can download the whole thing here

Mos Dub - History TownAlt

And ah, Gogol Bordello, c'mere to me, I'd forgotten about you! And y'know what? You weren't a summer novelty back when I was 16 and saw ye at a festival! Everyone's favourite gypsy-punk lunatics are back with a whopper of an album, Trans Continental Hustle which is out now. All I have for you for the moment is a poor quality mp3, but I'll buy the album tomorrow morning and share one more tune with you over the next day or two. Of course if you like it go out and buy it. This one's a keeper. This song, for anyone who at any stage loved angry-emotional hardcore skatepunk stuff like Pennywise or Bad Religion (music that went hand in hand with dented shins and greasy hair), should knock a bitta nostalgia into you, while also being a whopping good tune!

Gogol Bordello - ImmigraniadaAlt

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nouveau Noise

This was a strange one. I recieved a facebook friend request from this band. Now I rarely hold my breath for anything good from facebook requests, usually local bands trying to be the next Zeppelin. That's their buzz, not really mine though. But Nouveau Noise, well they're bloody brilliant! This is the second time recently that I've found a band that's been operating under my nose that I hadn't come across that have been great. Galway's a small place, generally if someone puts two nice chords together in their living room it leads to a bit of a buzz about town! The other band I had never heard of that are great and from Galway were Low Sea. I'll be blogging about them soon.

But ya, very little info on Nouveau Noise apart from these two songs, a bandcamp and a myspace. Also, their debut album, Paraphrase Accolade, is coming out soon.

Nouveau Noise - Goni Alt

Nouveau Noise - Cinnte Alt

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A few new things in my inbox. First off, Heathers, it's not new, but this is on some manner of ad on the television. As a result their album has gotten a much deserved push and a lovely big poster in the front of the HMV downstairs from my house. Lovely stuff! Check them out on myspace

Heathers - Remember When Alt

Got a pile of albums for listening to today, so instead of indulging in one in particular I've skimmed over all of them. So here are two of them. I'll get through a few of them tomorrow evening and post about them over the next few days so expect posts on Crystal Castles, Mos Dub, Broken Social Scene, Band Of Horses and loads more. These sound sound pretty darn good on first listen.

The National's High Violet is out May 10th
...and Foals Total Life Forever is out the same day.

The National - Runaway (removed by request)

Foals - Blue Blood (ditto ...I think)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


First off, big thanks to Leon Butler who's made the blog all pretty and shiny! You can check his video and graphic design work here and his awesome band Disconnect 4 here.

First off, Frightened Rabbit, for anyone who missed this a while back, I though twould be a shame no to give it another little push, the more FR fans in the world, the better. Their third album the Winter Of Mixed Drinks came out in March. I've just had another listen through to it. It's great altogether.

Frightened Rabbit - Living In Colour Alt

Paul Weller, of The Jam, Style Council and, well, Paul Weller has a new album out, and guess what? It's bloody brilliant! The modfather himself has surpassed all expectations and frankly blown everyone away with a soulful rock n' roll record that I can't really describe, it's just very nice to listen to. Wake Up The Nation is out now and Paul will be headlining to wonderful Sea Sessions festival in Bundoran in Donegal, June 25th - 27th

Paul Weller - No Tears Left To Cry Alt

Finally, Holy Fuck. If I was in a band I'd never have the balls to put a swear word in the name. What would I tell my Granny I do? She'd probably still be lovely about it but I really couldn't bring myself to tell her my band was called Holy Fuck no matter how good my latest album was. But in saying that their new album is fantastic. Latin will be out May 11th. Also, if you get a chance to catch them on the festival circuit this summer then go along. I saw them at Oxegen a few years back. So very good indeed.

Holy Fuck - Red Lights Alt

The photo attached is a photo from Sea Sessions last year near the mini ramp (which I hurt myself on) looking out over the bay. We had the most loveliest weather and spent all of the last day there on the beach, jumping from little cliffs into a lovely wee lagoon. Plus it's Donegal and all the people are lovely. Just watch out for Northern Buckie, it's in a green bottle and tastes like piss.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gramophone Gold

On the record player today:

Manic Street Preachers - P.C.P Alt From The Holy Bible

Toots And The Maytals - 54-46 (That's My Number) Alt ...from some kind of greatest hits I got

Sebadoh - Skull Alt From Bakesale which I bought ages ago but never gave a proper listen.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Surfer Blood video

I briefly forgot how good Surfer Blood are. This show is part of a pop tarts suck toasted showcase. I even put them in my top friends on myspace, to show how much I care. Ah poor myspace, whatever happened you?

"Catholic Pagans" - Surfer Blood from Sitcom Serf on Vimeo.

iTest, April 18th

Here's the tracklist for this evening's show. Now with 25% extra! (I think, I'm not good at maths, 4 hours instead of 3?) K, well here are the songs I played on the radio this evening.

p.s, the picture is not of me. That's Alan Partridge. If you've never seen his show, well then watch it. It's very funny indeed.

Cults - Go Outside
Thee Oh Sees - I Was Denied
The Tallest Man On Earth - Kids On The Run
Frightened Rabbit - Living In Colour
The New Pornographers - Your Hands (Together)
Stornoway - I Saw You Blink
LCD Soundsystem - Home
Gonjasufi - Kobwebz
Mi Ami - Secrets
Hole - Skinny Little Bitch
MGMT - I Found A Whistle
Roky Erickson & Okkervil River - Goodbye Sweet Dreams Alt
Teenage Fanclub - Baby Lee
Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (Oh God Remix)
Harlem - Gay Human Bones
The Middle East - Blood
Villagers - Becoming A Jackal
The Redneck Manifesto - Little Nose
Booka Shade - Bad Love
Holy Fuck - Latin America
Freelance Whales - Kilojoules
Archie Bronson Outfit - Shark's Tooth
Here We Go Magic - Collector
Crystal Castles - Celestia
Gotan Project - La Gloria
The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2
Bill Callahan - Bowery (Live)
Beach House - Zebra (UK Edit for Record Store Day)
The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio
Blitzen Trapper - Heaven And Earth
Frightened Rabbit - The Loneliness And The Scream
Blur - Fool's Day Alt
Paul Weller - Aim High
Dr. Dog - Someday
Stars - Fixed
MGMT - It's Working
The Redneck Manifesto - Click
LCD Soundsystem - You Wanted A Hit
Gogol Bordello - Pala Tute Alt
Dum Dum Girls - Blank Girls
Caribou - Hannibal
Black Dogs - End Of Summer
Best Coast - When I'm With You
The National - Afraid Of EVeryone
Cathy Davey - Little Red
Tokyo Police Club - Breakneck Speed
Bodega Girls - Prime Time Sex Crime
Scissor Sisters - Invisible Light
Hacienda - I Keep Waiting
Band Of Horses - Factory
Murs & 9th Wonder - The Problem Is
Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (Oh God Remix) ...yes, I know, again.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Newbies! (Murs/Dr. Dog and Thee Oh Sees)

Straight up information right here folks.

I met up with the guys from So Cow last night (you may have noticed I post about them a lot). Jonny, the bass player said Thee Oh Sees are pretty much the best live band in the world ever. Wow. Can't wait to see them. Warm Slime is out May 11th

Thee Oh Sees - I Was Denied Alt

Dr. Dog's album Shame Shame is out now. This song is from it. It's lovely.

Dr. Dog - Someday Alt

Murs and 9th Wonder's album Fornever is out now. This is the first single from it.

Murs & 9th Wonder - The Problem Is (ft. Sick Jacken & Uncle Chucc Alt

I'll be broadcasting on iRadio tomorrow from 5 til 9, you can tune in on if you'd like;)

State's first Intervention with ASIWYFA

State is Ireland's one stop shop for music news/reviews/live stuff and general bits and pieces. They've been on the go a while online and for a few months were releasing a lovely magazine, although they had to discontinue it. Well they've started hosting gigs in Dublin and announcing details on the day through facebook and twitter. Follow both and don't miss out on the next one. The first one took place last month with And So I Watch You From Afar at Music Maker and was filmed by the folks at Bandwidth Films

State Intervention#1 - And So I Watch You From Afar from Bandwidth on Vimeo.

Lost Stones track released for Record Store Day

Here's a lost Stones track that's been released for a deluxe edition of Exile On Main Street, out today for Record Store Day. Spare a thought for those of us that must make do with HMV, the internet and trips to Dublin. Better still, support your local record store. In the meantime I'm going to watch High Fidelity imagine working in that record store ...instead of Jack Black.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dance to the funky music

I'm a lucky bunny, I went swimming today, then had a killer barbecue and heaps of beers on a friends roof, now I'm off to see So Cow and The Ralphs and then going to see Steinski DJ ...AND I got to hear two amazing songs for the first time today

LCD Soundsystem - Home Alt

Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand (Oh God Remix) Alt

I talk in my sleep, the other night my girlfriend asked me what I was talking about, I told her I was on the phone, she asked who I was on the phone to, I said "Duck Sauce", no lie, I dream about phone calls to Duck Sauce apparently. Armand, A-Trak, if you guys are reading, you gots my e-mail up top there.


Last year a festival in Mayo called Moondance was cancelled at late notice. So myself and some friends booked a few bands to play in a shed in Tuam. Loads of people turned up. So this year we booked more bands (with more stuff still to be announced) and are doing some sort of all day thing. Here's the lineup:

The Ralphs
Rural Savage
Go Panda Go
Ambience Affair
The Cast Of Cheers
So Cow
plus ...vinyl funk/motown/soul/party DJ and Substance DJ's

May 22nd,
The Woolstore, behind Brownes,
Co. Galway

Doors at 5,

€8 in, keep an eye out here for more details and follow it all on facebook

The Ambience Affair - Devil in the Detail from Souljacker on Vimeo.

So Cow- "100 Helens" from the great pumpkin on Vimeo.

The Cast Of Cheers - Glitter Alt can download The Cast Of Cheers album for free here, but it's also just out on physical release so if you see it do pick up a copy.

If you're in the Galway area that weekend come in and say hi!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh It's On


Sun is shining, the weather is here! What a week to rock the auld redundancy. God knows I love radio, but a stuffy underground studio in the dark for any amount of money couldn't mess with a day like today. Coffee, bit of a cleanup after last night's barbecue, a short blog post and off to the beach! More barbecue tonight I reckon, then bowling. God knows I live bowling!

p.s, sorry about the lack of dedicated new music analysis over the past few days, between new work related stuff, changes, trips to Donegal and the end of the coldest Irish winter since the effing Ice Age I've been a tad distracted but thanks for reading.

So a portable cassette playing stereo and some swimming shorts and off I go

Times New Viking - Drop Out Alt

Magnetic Fields - California Girls Alt

13th Floor Elevators - You're Gonna Miss Me Alt

Oh and the photo is of the diving boards by the beach I'm off to. Young, carefree divilment

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Goodbye Gerard!

Anyone in New York? Keep your ears sharp for a high pitched roar of "WOO WOO WOO" throughout clubs and bars from next week on. Our good friend Gerard is hopping on the auld coffin ship for a new life in the Shtates, he's from Donegal so you won't understand a word he says, but once you get past the language barrier he's one of the nicest people anyone could have the pleasure of meeting. He'll be looking for the "Buckie", shouting Ian Brown lyrics at people, sporting a mid 80's adidas Liverpool FC jacket and a Joy Division Unknown Pleasures t-shirt, you can't miss him saying that we will.

A mess of songs this evening, I've just gotten settled in my new studio which far far away from fair Galway but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I'd never have thought this would be much of a wakeup song but it went down pretty well this morning, rar. This was a single taken from the band's album Classics back in 2006, recorded in a house owned by Bjork (I got this info from Wikipedia, it may not be true!). On a more reliable front Ratatat do have an album on the way, LP4 in due out May 17th.

Ratatat - Wildcat Alt

I'll have a full post tomorrow with all of the songs I playued on the show this evening but I really must run after this post as I gots to hop on a train back home, but here are two songs I played this evening that I like.

I was both delighted and annoyed to hear more from Deer Tick. Delighted because they're good and it was nice to hear something new. Annoyed because they had an album out last year and I completely missed it! And I suppose delighted again because I have even more Deer Tick to listen to than I realised. The Black Dirt Sessions will be out June 8th.

Deer Tick - 20 Miles Alt

How do you pronounce this? Is it meee ameeee, or just Miami, like the city in Florida? Great little screamer of a tune, Steal Your Face is out this month.

Mi Ami - Latin Lover Alt

Check back tomorrow for full coverage of this evening's show!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Live stuff, Irish Music and Substance on Tour!

Substance is on tour! We're playing a secret location tonight, it's gonna be mega! I've posted a few songs we'll be playing, Buckfast ahoy!

But first! If you're staying behind in Galway, check out the delightful post-rock shoegaze sounds of Butterfly Explosion in Roisin Dubh with support from local rock n' roll superstars Lost Chord. Also, anyone catch O Emperor last night? Really really good band! If they manage to capture anything of last night's show on record for their debut (out on Universal believe it or not) it'll be a serious contender for Choice Music Prize 2010. Speaking of, gonna go way out on a limb here and throw down a few albums I reckon are down there already.

Cast Of Cheers - Chariot
Redneck Manifesto - Friendship
So Cow - Meaningless Friendly
Fionn Regan - The Shadow Of An Empire
Humanzi - Kingdom Of Ghosts
Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History

And ones I've heard bits from ...either that or chances are the album is gonna be amazing

Adebisi Shank - ???
Villagers - Becoming A Jackal
Not Squares - ???
O Emperor - ???

Maybe The Waterboys/Mike Scott/Yeats poetry thing? Or The Chieftans and Ry Cooder's album. They're both on the "to listen to" list, will be posting about them soon.

So back to what I was originally posting, a few tunes I'll probably play tonight

Ian Brown - F.E.A.R (UNKLE Remix) Alt ....New U.N.K.L.E album due out soon, I'll post something once I get my hands on anything

Robert Miles - Children Alt classic, I've never played it before, just decided to blast it about the apartment this morning. Don't care what anyone says, it's a classic!

Joy Division - Shadowplay Alt ....In the centre of the city in the night!

Quite the mismatch post today, as an "and finally", I've just come across this band called Worrier from Milwaukee. Their debut album is available for download (and listen to all of) here for just €5. It's out on Richter Collective, who can simply do no wrong, a pretty much flawless lineup!

As I said earlier, Buckfast ahoy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Taping Songs Off The Radio Is Killing Music!!!

Short and sweet today folks, have to run and do shit! But tomorrow is my last day as a full time employee anywhere for a while so more blogging, unless I become really lazy. It's all possible, but ya, here's to getting up at 2, eating Coco Pops for dinner and having a great fricking summer!

I try to avoid posting radio rips, but it's Chemical Brothers. C'mon like! Also, there's this lovely feel of taping songs from the radio, with Pete Tong coming over the end. Further is out June 7th

Chemical Brothers - Escape Velocity (radio rip) Alt

Canadian heroes Stars have a new song. It's the first song released from The Five Ghosts which is out June 22nd

Stars - Fixed Alt

And an old song I heard today, written by Wilson Pickett. A much used series of chords but a lovely lovely song.

Otis Redding - You Left The Water Running Alt

Star Guitar - The Chemical Brothers from Chen VM on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I would totally bowl for soup right now

Oh god, I'm so bloody lazy. I've washing to do. I've dinner to make. I'm hungry but I have a laptop, soundsystem and cigarettes, I just can't get off the couch.

Here's what's keeping me alive...

Fugazi - Waiting Room Alt

Thurston Harris - Little Bitty Pretty One Alt

Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - I Just Dropped In To See What My Position Was In Alt

...I go bowling every Monday, last week we watched Kingpin, last night we watched The Big Lebowski ...anyone got any more bowling related movies in mind?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

iTest, April 4th

Just after I said goodbye on this evening's show I clicked onto AU's blog and found they had a free download of a new single by one of my favourite bands in the world, Adebisi Shank. Totally gutted, cos I'm gonna have to wait another week to play it on the radio. I considered crashing Paul Van Dyk's Vonyc Sessions to play it but I didn't. He kinda scares me! But here it is anyway, new tune from the 'Shank, what a band.

Adebisi Shank - Ohayou Alt

And So I Watch You From Afar - K Is For Killing Spree (An Ode To)
Communist Daughter - Not The Kid
Janelle Monae - Tightrope ft. big Boi
MGMT - It's Working
Jamaica - Short And Entertaining
Dum Dum Girls - It Only Takes One Night
The Hold Steady - Hurricane J
Holy Fuck - Latin America
Das Racist - You Ouuta KNow
LCD Soundsystem - Drunk Girls
Dinosaur Bones - Royalty
Devo - Fresh
Suckers - Black Sheep
The Redneck Manifesto - Little Nose
The Middle East - Blood
Harlem - Gay Human Bones
Fun - At Least I'm Not As Sad As I Used To Be
Warpaint - Beetles
Broken Social Scene - All To All
Gotan Project - La Gloria
Tokyo Police Club - Breakneck Speed
Bodega Girls - Prime Time Sex Crime
Talib Kweli - Midnight Hour
The Cast Of Cheers - Goose Alt
Avi Buffalo - Remember Last Time
Blitzen Trapper - Heaven And Earth
The New Pornographers - Crash
65 Days Of Static - Crash Tactics Alt
Toro Y Moi - Low Shoulder
Teenage Fanclub - Baby Lee
Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2
The Tallest Man On Earth - Burden Of Tomorrow
Villagers - Becoming A Jackal
The National - Bloodbuzz Ohio
Band Of Horses - Compliments
Montauk - Holiday
MGMT - Someone's Missing
Jonsi - Kolnidur
The Black Keys - Next Girl

Must run and catch a bus now, trying to get to Blondie vs. Bowie Hoot Night, Krafty Kuts AND Bad To The Bone

Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2 Video ...and last Gigantic ever : (

I really like this band and I really like this video. I'd elaborate but my head hurts, I was at a party last night in possibly the coolest house I've ever been in. It was all completely 70's! Fully stocked bar, loads of little nick knacks, mad design, these daft grooves in the ceiling. It was good fun, and a nice way to wind down after the lunacy of the last Gigantic ever. Gigantic is an 8 year of clubnight that ran for years in De Burgos, a 16th Century underground wine cellar, until the fire officer pooped all over the party (it was dangerous in there in fairness). The past 9 months they've been running the night in Kelly's, until last night where they decided to call it a day. It's a pity, it was a great clubnight.

Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2 from Discobelle on Vimeo.

I only really meant to post the video but, well yaknow how rambling works and all that.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Band Of Horses/oldies/Local Vids

So there it goes, rock show is over and done with. It was fun! I finished off with One Day Like This (Alt) by Elbow and Teenage Kicks by The Undertones. ANd Then it was over. I wonder if I'll miss it too much. I could well be crying with jealously and self loathing next Saturday afternoon when I'm replaced!

I posted a link to the new Band Of Horses video the other day. Well I just picked up the mp3. Infinite Arms is out May 18th.

Band Of Horses - Compliments Alt

And finally, my favourite song I've heard this week, was dancing around my apartment to this last night and have played it for everyone I've met of the past few days. It was posted on a blog called poor sad man harris which is a really good blog, so check it out, ok?

Fats Domino - Whole Lotta Lovin' Alt

And in other bits and pieces the Film Makers Network have released a list of videos they reckon deserve recognition at the Dublin Film Fringe Music Video event in Le Cirk

Here's the list:
Bowlegged – Red Lights
Bats – Shadow Fucking
Dirty Epics – We’re Coming Up
Disconnect 4 – The Disco Never Changes
David Geraghty – Kaleidoscope
Grand Pocket Orchestra – Ballet Shoes
Le Galaxie – You Feel the Fire
Laurier Tiernan – You Will Die As You Have Lived
Barry McGuire – Where the River Flows
Fiona Melady – Love in the Movies
Mumm Ra – She’s Got You High
North Atlantic Oscilation – Drawing Maps from Memory
Riptide Movement – Cry Cry Baby
Snowdial – In Your Head
So Cow – Shut Eye
202s – Ease My Mind
White Lies – To Lose My Life

And here are the Galway efforts, g'wan the lads.

Disconnect 4 - Disco Never Changes

The Disco Never Changes from Leon Butler on Vimeo.

So Cow - Shut Eye

So Cow - Shut Eye from Cian McGarrigle on Vimeo.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Game Over

A mismatch of magic on the blog today. First off, Happy Good Friday, today we celebrate the death and resurrection of the Easter Bunny. In Ireland, much like every other religious holiday, we celebrate by getting monumentally totalled. And on top of that, the Catholic Church of old demanded that the government close all pubs, so being a stubborn shower of fuckers we, as a nation, are determined to piss them right off. By making absolute shit of ourselves. I, however, have work tomorrow so I'll be taking it handy!

Tomorrow will be my last Saturday afternoon radio show. The radio station I work for have decided to relocate to a town that isn't Galway. I rather like Galway so I decided not to move with them. For the past two years I've filled four hours every Saturday afternoon, I've had lovely listeners, good ratings and lots of freedom to piss about reading the paper and playing a few tunes. I won't lie, it was an easy gig, because god knows, on a Saturday, all anyone wants is a few tunes. In one way I'll miss it, but at the same time I won't miss having to play watered down music. I'll still be broadcasting on Sunday nights between 5 and 9, all new music, all what I want to play, all good as far as I'm concerned. Keep an eye on the blog, all of the tracklists will be published here. So for the final Saturday show, any requests? Mail me,, anything goes for four hours tomorrow on i102-104fm (or online) between 1:50 and 5:50!

A few great songs that I've come across recently.

I was delighted to find out today that one of my favourite bands, Band Of Horses have a new song and video! You can see, hear and download the video here

This is the second single to be released (April 30th) from the forthcoming New Pornographers album Together. It's wonderfully 60's, lovely vocals, rocky at times, and did I mention there's whistling?! Well there is, and when whistling is done right, you simply cannot mess with it. Well done New Pornographers, you're going on my Christmas card list!

The New Pornographers - Crash Years Alt

My second song today has had me bopping in my chair all morning. Immediately nailing my interest with some early 90's commercial acid house pianos (if you're a regular reader you may know that while I try to maintain an air of indie or cool or whatever, I do have a fascination with acid house and dodgy 90's tunes in general). And despite using all manners of overused bits and pieces, MSTRKRFT style electronic handlclaps, vocodered vocals etc. it works! It's a great song! Check out more of their stuff on

Montauk - Holiday Alt

Finally, the new single from The Hold Steady. Not much to say about these guys. It's just cracking straight forward rock music! Heaven Is Whenever is out April 30th

The Hold Steady - Hurricane J Alt

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thee Oh Sees

I love Thee Oh Sees. It's filthy, dirty, rock n' roll but not in a mindless way. It's nice to come across a band and know immediately that there's absolutely no way they're giong to be bad live. In saying that I've never seen them live but one can only imagine they're outrageously good!

Here are a few songs to sample, if you like them there are 11 albums from the past few years to check out, as well as loads of E.P's, 7"s and compilations.

Thee Oh Sees - Ruby Go Home Alt

Thee Oh Sees - Ghost Alt

Thee Oh Sees - The Coconut Alt

Was half thinking about heading to ATP anyway, gonna go check for tickets now!

7 May 2010: ALL TOMMOROWS PARTIES Butlins Holiday Centre, Minehead, England
10 May 2010: Trix: Antwerp
11 May 2010: France Annecy Brise Glace, Annecy
12 May 2010: France LYON nuits sonores, Lyon
13 May 2010: Sidro Club, Rimini
14 May 2010: EREMO, Bari
15 May 2010: Covo Club, Bologna
16 May 2010: Guilty Party Boat Cruise, Venice, Varese
19 May 2010: Le rex, Toulouse
20 May 2010: L’abordage, Evreaux
21 May 2010: Fête de l’huma (open air), Bordeaux
21 May 2010: France BORDEAUX (Begles) Fete de l’Humanité, Bordeaux
22 May 2010: Des Lendemains Qui Chantent, Tulle
26 May 2010: PortugaL GALERIA ZBD LISBOA, Lisbon
27 May 2010: Portugal Plano B, Porto
29 May 2010: Barcelona Primavera Sound Show Case
1 Jun 2010: Deaf Institute, Manchester
2 Jun 2010: Clunny, Newcastle
3 Jun 2010: Captains Rest, Glasgow, Scotland
4 Jun 2010: Leeds Brudenell, Leeds
5 Jun 2010: Luminaire, London
6 Jun 2010: Vilette Sonic Festival (open air) Paris
7 Jun 2010: Atelier Francophonie, La Rochelle
8 Jun 2010: Aucard de Tours Festival
8 Jun 2010: France TOURS FESTIVAL AUCARD, Limousin